Natter With Nathan

Sep 24, 2022

BSO helps with HM the Queen’s lying-in-state

Shortly after the death of our patron, HM Queen Elizabeth, The Scouts put out a call for volunteers age 18-25 to assist with managing the lying-in-state for HM Queen Elizabeth. More than 500 members applied, including four from THE READING BLADDER CANCER SUPPORT GROUP TRUST (BSO). BSO Scout Network member Zoe Baxter from Telstar Scout Group in Luxembourg was successful in the selection flew to London to volunteer with managing the massive queue of people.  Zoë, who received her Queen's Scout Award in 2020, joined as a Beaver Scout at the age of 7 and has been involved in Scouting ever since. She is also one of the Assistant Unit Leaders in our joint BSO/British Girlguiding Overseas World Scout Jamboree Unit. As Scouts, we all promise to help other people and we are immensely proud of Zoë for going above and beyond to help other people. 

Impact of Coronavirus

Unfortunately, there remains a few British/International schools in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that have been told no they can’t open, not yet, or for a fee. This affecting four Groups:

  • 5th Dubai
  • 6th Dubai
  • 8th Dubai
  • 1st Abu Dhabi

I will be working with the International Commissioner to write to our hosting schools to see if we can persuade them to allow us to reopen.

There are two other UAE Groups that have not reopened due to lack of leaders:

  • 3rd Dubai
  • 2nd Abu Dhabi

The DC, Shelly Burrows and her team are working hard to support the four UAE Groups that have reopened – the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th Dubai Scout Groups.

WSJ Unit Leadership

Due to the marriage of his daughter next summer (congratulations!), Howard Nelson has very reluctantly had to step down as our Unit 1 Leader. Shelly Burrows, DC Middle East, has kindly stepped up and will be taking over from him with immediate effect. I am immensely grateful to Howard for the excellent leadership he has provided since taking over and very grateful he will remain close to the team to provide any support they need before, during and after the WSJ. I have full confidence in Shelly’s leadership skills and know that our young people will have a great time under the combined leadership of Shelly, Brooke, Lynn and Zoë.

Central European Jamboree

Between the 2nd and 12th August, our joint BSO/BGO WSJ unit went on their first camp together to the Iris Central European Jamboree 2022 in Prague. 

The Central European Jamboree (CEJ) is an international event for Boy and Girl Scouts primarily from the Visegrad countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) with the regular participation of Scouts and Guides from other countries.

The unit leadership team consisting of Howard Nelson, Brooke Lowe, Lynn Millard and Zoë Baxter said they had a brilliant time spending time with the young people of Unit 1. The young people loved to have fun and really demonstrated how much they all deserve to attend the WSJ. 

Unit 1 was made to feel extremely welcome at the Iris Central European Jamboree 2022. The Area team are grateful to Howard, Brooke, Lynn and Zoë for providing excellent leadership. We are also very grateful to the 1st Prague Scout Group for the logistical and physical support they gave the unit throughout the camp. The unit are all now looking forward to an exciting and challenging trip to the World Scout Jamboree in Korea in 2023.

Kent International Jamboree

Between the 30th July and 6th August, 115 Scouts and Explorers, 25 leaders (and one Cub) attended the Kent International Jamboree (KIJ). This was our first ‘big camp’ together since 2019’s Haarlem Jamborette.

With Scouts and adults from across every BSO district plus our friends from Wyre Forest Explorers and 10th Fulham Scout Group, ours was the largest contingent at the camp by some distance. We made our presence felt thanks to an eye-catching camp gateway, BSO t-shirts and, of course, thousands of BSO-branded clothes pegs!

With activities as diverse as LEGO building, shooting, climbing and car driving, a day trip to Central London and fabulous weather all week we had a fantastic time at KIJ. We were also pleased to welcome BSO special guests John May, Peter Dawes and Irene Orford, who was presented with her bar to the Silver Acorn.

We have received a lot of positive feedback about this camp, and hopefully now we’re back in the swing of things after the pandemic we will have an even larger BSO presence for Haarlem in 2023.

A massive thank you to the joint leaders at KIJ – John Broxis and Justin Steed and to the wider BSO KIJ leadership team who ensured our young people had an epic time and re-introduced them to the joys of fun and friendship under canvas following a tough couple of years.

I have been told that a full post-camp report will be available soon and passed to the Executive.

Celebrating our people: Awards

Congratulations to Ben Balaam who was presented with the Silver Wolf during our AGM at Gilwell Park in September and also to Irene Orford who was presented with the Bar to the Silver Acorn during her visit to the BSO unit at the Kent International Jamboree in early August. 

Haarlem Jamborette 5-16 August 2023

Haarlem Jamborette is a large international camp that takes place for twelve days in the Netherlands every four years. BSO Area attended the last Jamborette in 2019 and we look forward to attending again in August 2023.

This camp gives young people the chance to attend a jamboree outside of the UK, meet up with thousands of other scouts and take part in a large range of activities such as sailing, kayaking, arts and crafts, sightseeing, climbing towers, zip-lines and tons more! There are also several parties throughout the camp including amazing opening and closing ceremonies. For everyone who attends, it is likely to be one of the highlights of their childhood!

I’m delighted to report that Jordan McCullough (DC for Southern Europe) will be the camp chief.

Section leaders are encouraged to publicise this camp to their young people. For lots more information and to register, please see our Haarlem Jamborette web page

Youth Shaped Scouting in BSO

In August I had the pleasure of appointing Charlotte Thompson and Alex Hadley as our new Area Youth Commissioners (AYCs). These two amazing young adults have been tasked with driving our youth-shaped agenda across the Area. I know that they’ll do an amazing job of supporting our volunteers, helping to shape our programme, influencing decisions that we make at the Area level and working alongside our brilliant team of District Youth Commissioners to coordinate cross-Area youth strategy, enabling our volunteers to embed the ideas and decisions of young people into local scouting. In the next few weeks they will be working closely with District YCs, the four DCs and my deputies to look at strategies of how we can ensure youth-shaped Scouting is being delivered in all our sections across all our districts. This follows some excellent work by the AYC during Kent International Jamboree which captured the thoughts from 115 Scouts and Explorers about how their programmes are being delivered and how much influence they feel they have with the programme they are doing in their sections, units, groups and districts.

Management of equipment stored at PACCAR Scout Camp

It has long been on my mind how we can better ensure our valuable and expensive equipment stored at PACCAR Scout Camp can be better managed and maintained. Previously, before I became AC, this was my responsibility but I simply don’t have time; neither do I live near the site. Following KIJ, we have now set up a new Equipment and Activity Scout Active Support Unit led by Argyroula  (Argy) Mavromati who lives near to PACCAR and is a long-time volunteer activity instructor there. Some of you who have ever been to Gilwell Reunion may remember Argy as she has helped us before by sorting our equipment. Argy has an amazing knowledge about camping equipment and is an engineer by trade. She will shortly be recruiting a UK-based team to ensure our kit remains in good condition for future use and she is also planning to deliver bespoke online training specifically for our equipment to any leaders that attend future Area camps. Thank you, Argy, for helping us with this huge task.

Finally, I’ve had an amazing time this summer at KIJ with our members young, and less young, and later at the Gilwell Reunion where lots of BSO volunteers met up. It was also great to see the WSJ Unit having an equally great time in Prague. BSO continues to provide lifetime memories and #SkillsForLife to our young people. I’d like to say a massive thank you to the Area Executive and the amazing Team BSO for all you’re doing to support our volunteers across the Area.

Yours in Scouting,


Area Commissioner


By Steven Hartley 05 Oct, 2024
Attending an international Scout Jamboree is a transformative experience that combines adventure, learning, and cultural exchange, helping Scouts develop into well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of belonging and the ability to work in teams. Since 2017, we have attended many international summer jamborees which have all been chosen by our members
04 Oct, 2024
Great representation from BSO at the British Embassy in Madrid as the Royal British Legion launched their Poppy Day appeal 2024. Well done to Catherine Fenton and the 1st Madrid Scout Group for achieving recognition for the amount of their donation from last year. Amazing community engagement with John Pearce and the team from 1st Majadahonda Scout Group along with Southern Europe DLV Kenny Lee.
01 Oct, 2024
Great for Kenny Lee to present several awards at the 1st Bougival Scout Group during the British School of Paris 70th birthday celebrations with an 1950s style open day.
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